In the waypoint statue at the entrance of the camp is a switch revealing another secret door. If you agree to take on a quest for him in Fort Joy’s basement, he’ll reveal a hidden route into the dungeons. Down the hatch is a long-undead Skeleton named Lord Withermore. You'll need a shovel, and you can find one just outside the entrance to the Fort Joy slums (where you first approached from the beach), on top of a ruined wall where there's also a bedroll. With high enough Wits, you can discover it yourself without their help. The kids playing hide and seek off to the side can reveal a hidden passage if you talk to them. In the Strange Cave on the South beach is a small group of elves who’ve made a sort of hideaway from Griff and his bullies.

To put the Magister’s Key to use, you’ll need to teleport up to the catwalk with the Teleportation Gloves. The only problem is, the key goes to a door just south of the main fort gates on a catwalk whose ladder is propped up out of your reach. Present the ring to Yarrow as proof her father still lives, follow her to the family reunion, and she’ll give you a key to help you escape before you turn into as sorry a sight as her father. Give him one to remind him of his Yarrow Girl and he’ll give you his ring. Fortunately, Yarrow flowers are all over the island (they're purple, and we found one near the man with the coffin). The only way to stay out of a fight is to talk to him armed with a Yarrow Flower.

Migo is half out of his mind and eager to rip you in half when you find him. Either talk to Yarrow on the North wall of the fort to start the quest or find her father, Migo, on the Southeast beach. Magister Yarrow’s father is missing and if you can reunite the two you’ll be rewarded with Yarrow’s key to the fort.